Video: Huffington Post Live (Interview): How to Spot a Narcissist?
Radio: Interview with Special WBUR Series: Digital Lives
Sure, it’s easy to crack jokes about Facebook, but Belmont-based clinical psychologist Craig Malkin takes findings like this seriously. The studies showed that one in three respondents felt more dissatisfied with their own lives after spending time on the site. Viewing the number of birthday greetings and “likes” were big culprits. Unprecedented access to other people’s photos also triggered emotional pain and resentment.
Radio: Interview with Dan Rea
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Radio: Valentine's Day 2011 - Interviews
Video: NECN (New England Cable News)
Tips for Making Love Last
(NECN) - February 14th is Valentine's Day -- the day of love. But, after the flowers and chocolate, how can you keep the love going? And, how do you keep from stressing out over just one day? Dr. Craig Malkin, a clinical psychologist, joins NECN for a discussion. Watch Now >
Video: Fox Boston
The Science of Love
Tuesday, 08 Feb 2011, 9:51 AM EST
(FOX 25 / - Valentine's Day is right around the corner and for many it's financially stressful and emotional taxing on their relationships. But Dr. Craig Malkin from YM Psychotherapy and Consultation has some scientific tips to help make cupids favorite day fun and bring you closer to your partner.
Dr. Malkin offers substantiated advice to help alleviate Valentine's angst and improve commitment: Watch Now >
Radio: Interview with Patricia Raskin
Why We Choose and Stay in Relationships That Do Not Work
Patricia welcomes Craig Malkin, Ph.D., licensed clinical psychologist who taught and trained at Harvard. Dr. Malkin’s research on the role of relationships in psychological growth in the classroom has been published in peer reviewed journals. He practices full time and serves as president and director of his own successful therapy and consulting company, YM Psychotherapy and Consultation Inc. He will discuss why we choose and stay in relationships that do not work and how we can change our patterns to find happy and fulfilling relationships. Listen Now >